Monday, August 4, 2008

Does crema de caracol really work for acne yahoo and acne on face, neck, chest, back

Herbal tea (and green tea) alone will not make acne vanish from your body. What it can do is add another layer of protection to your existing acne regimen which should include cleaning, exfoliating, a clean, acne friendly diet, and lots-of-water. If you're already doing all those things adding detox tea could be the tipping point treatment that gives you clear skin.
But then how to fight cystic acne? If you are worried about the same, it is important to know that cystic acne requires more time to heal as the infection is deep seated and has affected deeper dermal layer. In most of the cases, the treatment for cystic acne is restricted to oral medicines and therefore, it is preferred that all the cases required to be treated by some skin experts. But there are some preventive measurements and remedies that can be helpful against cystic acne. For those people who look for some natural remedies for cystic acne should try some homemade remedies and other products that contain some potential herbs that have natural skin healing properties.
There are two categories of natural cures for acne commercial and home made. The commercial variety has a lot of data to prove their effectiveness. However home cures have to be tried with an extra dash of faith. Prescription and over the counter acne treatments can come in small convenient packages and are very easy to use.
tags: cetaphil soap helped my adult acne, adult acne female nursing mother, acne cause by diet

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