Monday, August 4, 2008

Acne acid salicylic chioce and how to treat acne scars yourself

You can apply a honey mask, and you can also wash your face with lemon juice then rinse with cold water. Just massage the lemon juice into your skin as this will help to fight bacteria.
Finding a wide selection of acne treatment is no new thing. What's noteworthy is that not all of these treatments can solve acne scarring, a condition that is brought by lesions or other serious acne forms. If acne has been bothering you for days now with the scars already forming, then you might want to try out some of the proven effective acne scar natural treatment. These may range from vegetables to fruits formulations, which can be prepared right in the comfort of your kitchen.
And that's the top 5 acne products in my opinion. Be sure to always research these products, or speak to your local doctor before purchasing and you may have an allergy to one of the ingredients. And always be consistent in your methods of using products, that's the key to success here.
tags: acne medication rating, acne porducts that work, natural herbal treatment for acne

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