Monday, August 4, 2008

Can a very high testosterone level cause back acne and cheap products for acne that work

The bacterias feast on the mixture for their survival thus acne is formed on your face.
It is no secret that acne is a huge problem. Chemical treatments attack the bacteria that can build up in pores and cause acne breakouts. Scientists found that certain wavelengths of light can actually cause these bacteria to die and thus relieve the acne breakout. The marvel mini blue light device is the application of this theory. It emits blue light which kills the acne causing bacteria.
However, there are some discrepancies between researchers who are having a huge debate that some foods actually cause acne. For example, certain diary products and refined sugars are now being evaluated as possible acne triggers.
tags: birth control pill that helps acne, over the counter acne products pregnancy, are clinique acne products really work

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